Bio or non-bio laundry detergent - which should you choose?

Bio or non-bio laundry detergent - which should you choose?

It can be difficult to know whether to use bio or non-bio laundry detergent, read on to find out the benefits of each type of laundry detergent and which choice is best for you.

Bio and non-bio laundry detergent

You may have encountered the terms bio or non-bio on your laundry detergent, but do you actually know what they mean? Choosing the right laundry detergent can make such a difference, so it’s important to know when you should use each type of laundry detergent.

bio or non-bio laundry detergent
Should I use bio or non-bio laundry detergent?

What is bio laundry detergent?

Bio laundry detergent is any detergent that contains enzymes. Enzymes break down proteins and fats (and carbohydrates but that isn't relevant here), which is incredibly helpful when it comes to cleaning clothes. The enzymes speed up the washing process and remove stains more effectively. Bio detergent is a great choice if you want to remove sweat, baby poo, grass, or greasy residue from clothing.

Bio detergent performs better at low temperatures (between 30 and 40 degrees), so you can save both energy and money while still getting an effective clean. Note: higher temperatures can denature the enzymes, worsening the quality of the detergent.

What is non-bio laundry detergent?

Non-bio detergent, on the other hand, doesn't contain any enzymes. You might opt for non-bio laundry detergent when washing delicate fabrics, such as silk and wool. These types of fabrics contain proteins, which can get destroyed by the enzymes in bio detergent and wear much more quickly.

There was a myth that non-bio detergent was better suited for people with sensitive skin but it has since been disproved (read more about it here).

Non-bio detergent is less effective compared to bio detergent when washing at low temperatures; in order for it to be as effective you need to wash at a higher temperature which isn't good for the environment or your bank balance.

How to use bio and non-bio detergent?

There is not much difference in usage when it comes to bio and non-bio laundry detergent. Both can be added directly in to the drum or in the detergent drawer (important if you are doing a prewash). Always make sure to read the instructions on the box to ensure you use the right amount for the load size, water softness and spoiling.

Bio vs non-bio laundry detergent: which to choose?

So, how do you know which type of detergent you should use?

The main advantages of bio laundry detergent is its effectiveness (perfect for sweaty gym kits and dirty babygrows!) and its ability to remove stubborn stains. It is also better for the environment because you can wash at a lower temperature and use less energy. However, when washing certain fabrics (such as silk or wool), non-bio may be the better option.

Because of the sensitive skin rumour, bio detergent has lost its popularity in recent years, but as you can see this is unjustifiable! Bio detergent is more effective at lower temperatures making it a better choice for the majority of situations. If you would like a sample of plastic free, bio laundry detergent sheets delivered to your door, click here).

Amy Smith
Amy Smith

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