The best biodegradable laundry detergent

The best biodegradable laundry detergent

There are many situations where one might need to use biodegradable laundry detergent (see below) but how do you know which one is the best?

We have scoured the internet for the most popular biodegradable laundry detergents so you don't have to! Here is a round up of the best biodegradable laundry detergent.

Reco Laundry Sheets (92 washes)

24p per wash
✔ Plastic free
✔ Compact so easy to store
✔ Subscribe and save
❌ Approved by Allergy UK
✔ No measuring and no mess
✔ Trial subscription available for only £1
✔ Support a small business
✔ Great for travelling
❌With fabric softener


Miniml Liquid Laundry Detergent (165 washes)

14p per wash
Plastic free
Compact so easy to store
Subscribe and save
❌ Approved by Allergy UK
No measuring and no mess
Trial subscription available for only £1
✔ Support a small business
Great for travelling
✔ With fabric softener


Ecozone Liquid detergent (166 washes)

19p per wash
Plastic free
Compact so easy to store
Subscribe and save
✔ Approved by Allergy UK
No measuring and no mess
Trial subscription available for only £1
Support a small business
Great for travelling
❌With fabric softener


Faith in Nature (150 washes)

17p per wash
❌ Plastic free
❌ Compact so easy to store
❌ Subscribe and save
✔ Approved by Allergy UK
❌ No measuring and no mess
Trial subscription available for only £1
❌ Support a small business
❌ Great for travelling
❌With fabric softener


Persil Laundry Sheets (32 washes)

37p per wash
 Plastic free
✔ Compact so easy to store
Subscribe and save
❌ Approved by Allergy UK
✔ No measuring and no mess
Trial subscription available for only £1
Support a small business
✔ Great for travelling
❌With fabric softener

Which is the best biodegradable laundry detergent? 

In conclusion, there are lots of great biodegradable laundry detergents, between being plastic free, great for camping and a trial subscription from only £1, we think the best biodegradable laundry detergent has to be Reco Laundry Sheets.


Now, why would one ever need to know what is the best biodegradable laundry detergent?
  • Outdoor enthusiasts - those who frequently engage in outdoor activities, such as hiking or camping should use biodegradable detergents to minimise their impact on the environment when washing clothes in natural settings.
  • Septic tank users - those with a septic tank should use biodegradable laundry detergent. They should also avoid powdered laundry detergent because they can lead to clogs and sludge buildup in septic systems, slowing down bacterial digestion and possibly causing drain blockages.
  • Environmental advocates - those who are committed to reducing their environmental footprint may opt for biodegradable detergent as part of their sustainable lifestyle.
  • Family with Children - families with young children may choose biodegradable laundry detergent to ensure that their little ones' clothes are washed in a detergent that is both effective and safe for delicate skin. There was a rumour that bio laundry detergent was not good for sensitive skin but this has since been debunked and it is ideal for young families who have to clean heavily soiled clothes.
Hopefully this blog post has helped your decide which is the best biodegradable laundry detergent for you. If you think we have missed any, comment below and we will get them added!

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you make a purchase through these links. This is at no additional cost to you and helps support the content on this site.

Amy Smith
Amy Smith

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